Your Donations Make a Difference

Money raised through Leonetti fundraisers goes directly to our teachers and kids.

Recently, our PTO committed to using some of this money to refresh the recess equipment on a monthly basis. Boy, were the kids excited to see new soccer balls, volleyballs, basketball, jump ropes and frisbees! Thank you, to all who support the DLE PTO!

Valentine's Day Parties

Valentine's Day parties are on Tuesday, Feb. 14. 

9:00-9:45 a.m. - Kindergarten, 2nd, and 3rd Grade parties

11:15 a.m.-Noon - 1st, 4th, and 5th Grade parties

We need two (2) volunteers per class in addition to the Room Parent to help with the pre-selected craft, game, and snack. Party volunteers will be expected to help set up supplies, lead activities/small groups, and clean up. No younger siblings are allowed to attend while you are volunteering. 

Sign up here to volunteer:


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

Volunteers need to arrive 30 minutes before party time to meet with your Room Parent and Grade Level Coordinator in your grade level flex space to go over the party plan.  

All volunteers must have a completed background check. You must complete a new one each school year.

To accommodate our enrollment, we will have two party times. In order to attend the class parties, visitors must register in advance at this link. The link closes Thursday, February 9 at 5 p.m. If a visitor does not register ahead of time, entrance to the parties may be delayed. Due to party events, visitors will not be allowed for lunch on this day.

Watch D.O.G.S., a DLE Perspective

"Watch D.O.G.S. makes a huge difference on our campus," said Mrs. Simpson, DLE assistant principal. "The kids are so excited to see their Watch D.O.G. at morning arrival, recess, and during lunch. And our staff is so thankful for the extra support."

This volunteer program, which was just implemented in fall 2022, brings father figures onto the campus to help with support during busier, unstructured times of the day. It is open to all dads, step-dads, uncles and grandfathers as long as they have a current approved background check within Fort Bend ISD. 

“The goal is clear and simple,” Mrs. Simpson shared. "Having Watch D.O.G.S. has allowed us to have positive male role models back on campus. We appreciate our dads’ extra help to keep our students safe."

If you feel this is a good fit for a male role model in your child's life, we recommend that you visit the Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer signup to learn more.

"DLE loves having the extra hands to help, and our students love having dads/grandpas on campus," Mrs. Simpson said. 

Make the difference. Be the difference. Become one of our Watch D.O.G.S.

New Year, New Projects: Volunteer at DLE

We need volunteers throughout the campus to help with teacher projects, cutting and laminating, book fair, school store, and Watch D.O.G.S. The time commitment for each role is typically one hour at a time and can accommodate your schedule. 

Our teachers and staff greatly appreciate your help, and the kids love seeing you on campus! To see all opportunities available, click here.

Note: Laminating projects can only be completed by an adult volunteer who is trained on the laminating machine.

Viewpoint From DLE Watch D.O.G.S.

Joshua Jenkins was looking for a way to get involved at DLE when he discovered the Watch D.O.G.S. program last fall.

Joshua Jenkins has a kindergartener at Leonetti, and discovered Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) last fall during the kick-off. He was looking for a way to get involved at the school, and this seemed to be a perfect fit. This nationally recognized program is a family and community engagement educational initiative with the goal to provide positive male role models and help reduce bullying.

"It gives me a chance to be visible at the school my child goes to. I get to meet so many other kids as well that they always find a way to make me smile," Joshua shared. "From helping them out of their car, walking them to the door, pushing them on the swing, or helping them open their milk carton," just being present leaves a lasting impact."

Mr. Jenkins graciously manages to give at least one hour per week to the Watch D.O.G.S. program at Leonetti, and is able to plan his time when its best suited around his full-time career schedule. All male role models are welcome - dads, step-fathers, uncles or grandfathers!

To find out more about how to get involved in Watch D.O.G.S. at DLE, click here.

Fundraising Update From Our President

Each year the DLE PTO fundraises for general operating expenses such as field trips, family events, teacher grants and class holiday parties. But we also try to raise money for big ticket items to keep our "Lion Den" the best place to be! In the past couple years we've added floor to ceiling murals in the library, decked out the arrival/dismissal staff with rain and cold weather gear, added bikes racks and paths for our students, supplied a new dismissal program for the school, and more!

Our team also dreams big about projects like a Butterfly Garden and a walking track around the playground. And while we had full intentions of being able to do some of those things, unfortunately, both proposals have recently been declined by the district.

We wanted to keep our community abreast of where we are with spending for these major projects, and first reassure you all that the money raised for these special undertakings is still earmarked for the next phase of our proposal. We are in the process of obtaining necessary approvals and then we will be excited to share our new ideas. We are hopeful that since the district has now lifted some of the COVID-related policies delaying our prior plans, that we will have the ability to continue with a new vision to beautify the Leonetti campus and maximize the space for our kids.

With the most recent Palooza fundraiser, we utilize a portion of that for our operating budget, but then gift 40% to the school to help meet their needs. This year, we are able to purchase a portable outdoor PA system for the school, fill the 5th grade flex space with lounge furniture, upgrade recess equipment on a monthly basis, and add devices to some classrooms.

With all that said, the district is also upon major budget cuts, and we fully expect any ideas that we have to fall upon PTO to implement and maintain. It will take a village, but we have one of the best ones out there! Should you have any questions, please reach out to Thank you, as always, for your continued willingness to financially support the PTO.

Lunar New Year Celebration

Our Leonetti Lions loved celebrating Lunar New Year on February 20 and were in awe of the amazing performance by Unity Dragon & Lions Dance Troupe.

College & Career Week, January 23-27

DLE will recognize College and Career Week Jan. 23-27.  See below for spirit wear theme days. 

January 23: “Heroes are made”: Wear your favorite super hero shirt (no costumes).  

January 24: “Your Future Starts Here”: Wear your favorite DLE shirt

January 25: “College Day Wednesday”: Wear your favorite college gear

January 26: CAREER DAY! Dress up for your dream career

January 27: “We Are Fit to Work and Achieve”: Wear your favorite fitness gear

College Day Wednesdays 

Students and staff members are encouraged to wear college shirts each Wednesday in the month of January to support the learning of colleges/post-secondary education opportunities.

Sign Up to Speak at Career Day!

Every grade level is in need of guest speakers for Career Day on Thursday, Jan. 26. Sign up per grade level from the links below.


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

Earn Rewards for DLE with the Box Tops app!

Do any of these brands land in your cart? Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Gogurt, Nature Valley, Papermate, Hamburger Helper.

You can raise money for DLE when you buy these brands (plus tons more). Recruit your family and friends who love these brands as well to help out our school. 

Whether you’re grocery shopping online, in person, or curbside pickup, you can use your receipts to earn money that goes directly to DLE!

Click here to learn more.

Have questions? Contact our Retail Donations Chair, Joshua Jenkins, at

DLE Spirit Event with Zyia Active

This is the final week to shop the DLE Spirit Event with Zyia Active. Twenty percent of all orders made before January 20, using the shopping link below, will be donated to the DLE PTO! 

That is completely free money going toward the projects and needs of the PTO! Plus, if for any reason you need to exchange or return, you have 30 days from the order date. Any questions regarding sizes, fits, or recommendations can be directed to

Shop the DLE Spirit Event here.

Support DLE With AmazonSmile

Buying any gifts for Valentine’s Day? Birthdays? Make sure to default to our DLE Amazon Smile account before purchasing.

To choose Donald Leonetti Elementary as your charitable organization:

  1. Sign in to on your desktop or mobile phone browser. 

  2. From your desktop, go to Your Account and select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.

When you shop on AmazonSmile, they donate 0.5 percent of the purchase price of eligible products to our school.

Volunteers Needed for Holiday Parties

Lion Families it's time to celebrate!
Classroom holiday parties will take place on Thursday, Dec. 15 and parents are welcome to attend. To accommodate our enrollment, we will have two party times and we encourage only one parent to attend per child. Visitors must register by Monday, Dec. 12. Click here to RSVP.

1st, 2nd & 5th Grade Parties: 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Enter through the cafeteria beginning at 8:45 a.m.

Kinder, 3rd & 4th Grade Parties: 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Enter through the gym beginning at 1:15 p.m.

Volunteers Needed

We need two (2) volunteers per class in addition to the Room Parent to help with the pre-selected craft, game, and snack (provided by our wonderful PTO!).  Party volunteers will be expected to help set up, lead activities/small groups, and clean up. 

If you're unable to volunteer, you can still contribute! You can help us out by donating PLATES, NAPKINS, and TABLECLOTHS. Party supplies need to be dropped off at the front office no later than MONDAY, DEC. 12. Do not bring items on the day of the party.

If you're interested in volunteering at the party, please note the following:

  • No siblings/other children will be allowed while volunteering.

  • Please arrive at the school 30 minutes early to discuss the party plans and help set up the classroom. 

  • You must complete your FBISD Background Check before volunteering.

Sign up here to help:


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

If you have any questions, email