Fundraising Update From Our President

Each year the DLE PTO fundraises for general operating expenses such as field trips, family events, teacher grants and class holiday parties. But we also try to raise money for big ticket items to keep our "Lion Den" the best place to be! In the past couple years we've added floor to ceiling murals in the library, decked out the arrival/dismissal staff with rain and cold weather gear, added bikes racks and paths for our students, supplied a new dismissal program for the school, and more!

Our team also dreams big about projects like a Butterfly Garden and a walking track around the playground. And while we had full intentions of being able to do some of those things, unfortunately, both proposals have recently been declined by the district.

We wanted to keep our community abreast of where we are with spending for these major projects, and first reassure you all that the money raised for these special undertakings is still earmarked for the next phase of our proposal. We are in the process of obtaining necessary approvals and then we will be excited to share our new ideas. We are hopeful that since the district has now lifted some of the COVID-related policies delaying our prior plans, that we will have the ability to continue with a new vision to beautify the Leonetti campus and maximize the space for our kids.

With the most recent Palooza fundraiser, we utilize a portion of that for our operating budget, but then gift 40% to the school to help meet their needs. This year, we are able to purchase a portable outdoor PA system for the school, fill the 5th grade flex space with lounge furniture, upgrade recess equipment on a monthly basis, and add devices to some classrooms.

With all that said, the district is also upon major budget cuts, and we fully expect any ideas that we have to fall upon PTO to implement and maintain. It will take a village, but we have one of the best ones out there! Should you have any questions, please reach out to Thank you, as always, for your continued willingness to financially support the PTO.