Viewpoint From DLE Watch D.O.G.S.

Joshua Jenkins was looking for a way to get involved at DLE when he discovered the Watch D.O.G.S. program last fall.

Joshua Jenkins has a kindergartener at Leonetti, and discovered Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) last fall during the kick-off. He was looking for a way to get involved at the school, and this seemed to be a perfect fit. This nationally recognized program is a family and community engagement educational initiative with the goal to provide positive male role models and help reduce bullying.

"It gives me a chance to be visible at the school my child goes to. I get to meet so many other kids as well that they always find a way to make me smile," Joshua shared. "From helping them out of their car, walking them to the door, pushing them on the swing, or helping them open their milk carton," just being present leaves a lasting impact."

Mr. Jenkins graciously manages to give at least one hour per week to the Watch D.O.G.S. program at Leonetti, and is able to plan his time when its best suited around his full-time career schedule. All male role models are welcome - dads, step-fathers, uncles or grandfathers!

To find out more about how to get involved in Watch D.O.G.S. at DLE, click here.