Please help us treat the “Souper” DLE staff to a lunch this month!
All items are due to DLE by 8:30 a.m. Thursday, January 27th.
Please help us treat the “Souper” DLE staff to a lunch this month!
All items are due to DLE by 8:30 a.m. Thursday, January 27th.
Don't worry, bike riders: we have a solution for those overflowing bike racks!
The PTO Board approved the purchase of three, 10-foot bike racks at its meeting January 13. It’s estimated that DLE increased its number of bike riders from around 35 to more than 70 from the fall to the spring semester.
Courtesy of
Do you want to help support Donald Leonetti Elementary School with shopping you are already doing? It’s easy with the “Box Tops for Education” app.
Download the “Box Tops for Education” app and follow the setup instructions to select our school. You can use the app to scan your grocery receipts and earn cash for our school with every Box Tops product you buy. So easy!
Filmmaker’s Academy is a free event for students in grades third through 12th grade.
This year the event will be held virtually.
Registration opened January 6th and parents may register their student through the Film Fest website here.
The recent district changes to on-campus volunteers mean that the January meeting of the PTO board will be virtual on Google Meet.
As a reminder, the monthly PTO meetings are open to everyone. If you are interested in attending the next board meeting at 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 13, please email Shannon Boyer at for the Google Meet link.
Good handwashing habits are essential to staying healthy.
Here are some tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help our DLE families reinforce good handwashing habits at home and at school.
Courtesy of
DLE families may see some differences in the car rider line due to the Bus Transportation changes that became effective December 31. If you are new to the car rider dismissal line, check out these tips to familiarize yourself with the process.
In light of the likely increase in the number of car rider students, DLE’s front office encourages everyone to seek out carpool opportunities, as they expect a longer car rider line.
Nurse Cartie needs donations of elastic banded shorts and pants, and T-shirts sizes 4T to 10/12.
Please send gently used/new and clean items only. Donations can be turned in at the front office.
School will be closed for the holidays December 20 - January 4. Classes will resume January 5.
Students and staff are encouraged to show their holiday spirit wear this week.
Monday, 12/13 - Winter Wonderland. Snow Day.
Tuesday, 12/14 - Long Winter’s Nap. PJ Day.
Wednesday, 12/15 - Work Out Like Santa. Warm Ups or Santa Shirt.
Thursday, 12/16 - Holiday Movie Character Day.
Friday, 12/17 - Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Any Holiday Shirt.
Class parties will be held Friday, December 17th. Class parties are for students only. At this time, visitors and guests are not allowed at the class parties. All food, party games, and decorations will be provided and set up by the PTO. All other party deliveries will not be accepted.
Students will have early dismissal at 12:10 p.m. Friday, Dec. 17. Due to early release, all students will eat lunch in their classrooms at adjusted lunch times. Since we are eating in the classrooms,visitors will not be allowed for lunch on this day.We encourage everyone to bring a sack lunch; however, the cafeteria will provide sack lunches for anyone wishing to purchase one.
Deadline - Wednesday, December 15th
If your child's dismissal mode is changing in January, please let the front office know by completing this form.
The link will close on December 15th. This information will help us as we plan for the spring semester.
If you are changing to car rider for dismissal, we encourage you to find carpool opportunities as we do expect a longer car rider line.
Thanks to everyone who donated to Shared Dreams Holiday Cheer! We were able to bless Family “O” with lots of wonderful gifts to make their holiday special.
It’s that time of year again to bless a Shared Dreams family right here in FBISD with gifts for the holiday!
This year we have Family “O” with a 7-year-old boy and his grandmother. Items are due by December 9th. Click here to sign up.
Gifts can be left at the DLE front desk where they will be collected and delivered to Family “O.” Please wrap all gifts labeled with the recipient before bringing them to the office.
Contact Nicole Fabozzi ( if you have questions.
Any DLE student who donated $50 or more to Palooza get to cash in on their "coupon" and wear either pajamas or a hat to school on December 10th.
(Teachers will receive a list of students who will be participating.)
Thank you for supporting DLE through your participation in Palooza!
Please reach out to with any questions.
Get ahead on some holiday shopping and give back! Kendra Scott is partnering with DLE PTO for a Spirit Night - online 12/10-11 and in store on 12/11 from 4-6pm! Make sure to use the online code 'GIVEBACK-ARLPT' at checkout. See flyer for more details.
DLE had 10 teachers whose classes reached 100 percent participation during the PTO’s Palooza fall fundraiser in October.
These homerooms earned an extra recess and a popsicle party to kick off Thanksgiving break. Some brave teachers even opted for additional fun, allowing students to cover them in Silly String or douse them in water balloons! Thank you to these awesome Lions and teachers!
A huge shout out to the following teachers:
Cardenas - Kinder
Gaines - 1st
Le - 1st
Robertson - 1st
Whatley - 1st
Lannen - 2nd
Khuc - 3rd
Fogleman - 4th
Sentell - 4th
Sexton - 4th