Wellness Corner

How to Overcome a Fixed Mindset

We are continuing to talk about Growth Mindset in our classroom! Here are some ways to help your child have a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset.

Talk About It
Talk with your child about their day, but guide the discussion by asking questions like: Did you make a mistake today? What did you learn? What did you do that was difficult today?

Encourage Failure (say what?!?)
Your child needs to know that failure can (and often does) happen and it is okay! Remind them that each time they fail and try again, their brain is growing stronger!

Praise the Process
Instead of saying, "You're so smart!" praise effort, goal setting, persisting through challenges, or being creative. You can say something like: "Wow! You must have worked really hard on this!"

The Brain Can Grow!
Remind your child that their intelligence is not fixed. Remind them that when things are difficult, their brain grows if they persist through the challenge. Each time they learn something new, their brain is making new connections. Your child needs to know this is possible!

Help them Change their Dialogue
Your child's self-talk, or internal monologue, makes a huge impact on their mindset. If they say, "This is too hard!" help them change that to "I can't do this yet, but I will keep trying." Give them the words to say when they are feeling defeated by modeling it yourself!

Brighter Bites Recipe:
4 medium baking apples
2 Tbsp unsweetened applesauce
2 Tbsp honey
1 tsp cinnamon
⅓ cup oats
⅓ cup chopped walnuts (or other nuts)
2 Tbsp raisins
¾ cup water

(approx. 1 apple; makes 4 servings)
227 calories; 43 grams carbohydrate; 7 grams fat; 3 grams protein; 6 grams dietary fiber

Preheat oven to 375°F. Using a sharp knife or apple corer, remove apple cores, leaving a hollow tunnel through each apple. In a small bowl, combine applesauce, honey, cinnamon, oats, walnuts and raisins. Pack the center of each apple firmly with the oat mixture. Extra filling can be placed on top of the apples. Arrange apples in a baking dish and pour water into the dish. Place baking dish on a middle rack in your preheated oven and bake for 35 to 45 minutes. Apples should be tender and a knife should slide easily into the apples when done.

Courtesy of https://kidtalkfrisco.com/growth-mindset/

8 Tips for Promoting a Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

Students’ mindsets—how they perceive their abilities—play a key role in their motivation and achievement, and if we change students’ mindsets, we could boost their achievement. Students who believe their intelligence could be developed (a growth mindset) outperformed those who believed their intelligence was fixed (a fixed mindset).

8 tips for promoting a growth mindset in kids:

  1. Help children understand that the brain works like a muscle, that can only grow through hard work, determination, and lots and lots of practice.

  2. Don’t tell students they are smart, gifted, or talented since this implies that they were born with the knowledge, and does not encourage effort and growth.

  3. Let children know when they demonstrate a growth mindset.

  4. Praise the process. It’s effort, hard work, and practice that allow children to achieve their true potential.

  5. Don’t praise the results. Test scores and rigid ways of measuring learning and knowledge limit the growth that would otherwise be tapped.

  6. Embrace failures and missteps. Children sometimes learn the most when they fail. -Let them know that mistakes are a big part of the learning process. There is nothing like the feeling of struggling through a very difficult problem, only to finally break through and solve it! The harder the problem, the more satisfying it is to find the solution.

  7. Encourage participation and collaborative group learning. Children learn best when they are immersed in a topic and allowed to discuss and advance with their peers.

  8. Encourage competency-based learning. Get kids excited about subject matter by explaining why it is important and how it will help them in the future. The goal should never be to get the ‘correct’ answer but to understand the topic at a fundamental, deep level, and want to learn more.

Courtesy of https://kidtalkfrisco.com/growth-mindset/

Eat the Colors of the Rainbow

Did you know that sugar in candy, sodas and certain foods can hurt your teeth? Sugar is like a magnet for bad bacteria. The bacteria eat the sugar and develop an acid that builds up on your teeth and over time will make little holes in your teeth called cavities. Sticky candy like, gummy bears, sour patch kids, war heads, and fruit roll ups are worse because they stick to your teeth. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day in the morning and night and not eating too much sugar will help keep your teeth healthy.

It’s easy to get into a habit of eating the same foods over and over. Many of us like to eat only our favorite fruits and vegetables. Did you know that it’s best to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables! The color in each of them helps the body in a very special way to grow and be healthy. This is why they say…..Eat the colors of the rainbow!

Eating a well balanced diet of healthy foods is one of the best things you can do for your body. Food is used as fuel for the body like gas is used for fuel for a car. If you eat junk food, your body won’t run as efficiently. You might feel sick or tired. When you are trying to make a decision about what you are going to eat, ask yourself, is this good for me? Just being mindful about what you are eating is the first step to amazing health!

Brighter Bites Recipe
Try eating the rainbow by whipping up this Hulk Smoothie from Brighter Bites!

Hulk Smoothie

¾ cup water
1 banana
2 cups kale (or spinach)
1 medium apple
2 cups strawberries (fresh or frozen)

(approx. 1 cup)
97 calories; 18 gram carbohydrate; 1 gram fat; 4 gram protein; 4 gram dietary fiber


Wash all fruits and vegetables. Remove stems from kale, and remove tops from strawberries if using fresh. Slice apple into chunks, removing core. Add all ingredients to blender, and blend until smooth. Add more or less of each ingredient to fit your family’s taste!