Community News

Help Start a Yoga Club at DLE

Ms. Vaughn and Ms. Shakib are hoping to start a yoga club for our students at Leonetti! But in order to do so, a 200-hour training session called Breathe for Change is required. Breathe for Change is an amazing program that combines not only yoga, but also Social Emotional Learning, and the hope is to bring these strategies back to our campus to share with staff and students.

Ms. Vaughn is currently raising funds to attend the training which costs around $2,000. Should you feel inclined to contribute, please learn more at the link below. Contributions accepted until September 7. Note: This is not required by DLE to run a club. These teachers are doing it solely as a personal growth opportunity.

Click here to contribute.

Hearts of Gold

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. DLE encourages students to show their support by wearing gold or yellow every Wednesday in September.

This year, students will be participating in a Gold Stroll walk at the beginning of their PE outclass time to honor those students who have fought or continue to fight pediatric cancer.

On September 16, all students and staff can dress up as their favorite superhero to honor those students who continue their fight or have fought pediatric cancer. They are true heroes!

There is also a community event being planned, click here for more information.

Bookapalooza on April 9

The district is excited to introduce our first Bookapalooza Book/ Comic Conference for 4th – 12th grade students on Saturday, April 9th at Dulles High School from 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Students will have opportunities to meet authors, illustrators, voice actors, attend learning sessions, participate in a cosplay contest, play interactive games, hear featured speakers, and shop at the vendor fair. Participants can watch MatchBook! finals at Dulles Middle School from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Students will have the opportunity to purchase books from the Scholastic book fair and buy Bookapalooza t-shirts.

Students entering the cosplay contest must join the Bookapalooza Schoology course VPBZ-JWRS-QF76Q .

*Students under 14 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

More information can be found at:

RTMS PTO Board Nominations

The Ronald Thornton Middle School PTO is now accepting applications for Board positions for the 2022-2023 school year. If you are interested or want to nominate someone, please click the link to complete the form. Forms are due by Friday, April 1st.

English PTO Nomination Form

El PTO de la Escuela Intermedia Ronald Thornton ahora está aceptando solicitudes para puestos en la Junta par el año escolar 2022-2023.  Si está interesado o desea nominar a alguien, haga clic en el enlace papa completer el formulario.  Los formularios deben presentarse antes del viernes 1 de abril.

Formulario de nominación de PTO en español