Spirit Night-February

Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A
Tuesday, February 13
From 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Join us at Chick-fil-A on Tuesday, February 13 from 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Enter the school specific code: Lions on the Chick-fil-A app for mobile orders. 

Save the date! 20% of sales will go toward the DLE PTO!

Kids Heart Challenge

Kids Heart Challenge
Online donations due February 9

DLE has officially kicked off Kids Heart Challenge (KHC) with the American Heart Association, and we need your help! Your student participated in the kickoff during PE last week and they have learned more about how it will all work this year. The last day to collect online donations is February 9, 2024. To celebrate our donations earned, we will participate in the KHC event during your child’s PE class.

**Please note – Our school is under Leonetti Elementary not Donald Leonetti Elementary. Sign up today and received your FREE official 23-24 Kids Heart Challenge wristband! No money required! Visit our school’s Kids Heart Challenge page OR download the Kids Heart Challenge App and search for our school and sign up!

Volunteer Opportunity-Shared Dreams

Sign up for Volunteer Days at Shared Dreams!
Tuesday, February 6 and Wednesday, February 7

Leonetti Elementary parents and guardians will participate in Volunteer Days at Shared Dreams on Tuesday, February 6, and Wednesday, February 7. Volunteers will sort and organize food and clothing recently donated to Shared Dreams.   We offer two 90-minute sessions daily, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. All volunteers are welcome, provided they have passed the FBISD background check. Unfortunately, children of any age cannot accompany the guardians to volunteer. Shared Dreams is located at 1555 Independence Blvd., Missouri City, TX 77489.

Click here to volunteer!

All Pro Dads-February Date

RSVP Today: All Pro Dad's Breakfast
Friday, February 2
At 7:15 a.m. in the DLE Gym

Please join us for our next All Pro Dad's breakfast on Friday, February 2, at 7:15 a.m. in the DLE Gym. Our topic this month is "Gentleness." A gentle person treats others with kindness and compassion. When we have gentleness, we do our best to make sure the people in our lives feel cared for and considered. Breakfast is provided. Please be sure to RSVP so we have an accurate count.

Sponsor Highlight

Sponsor Spotlight

Furry Friends Pet Care is a proud sponsor of DLE! Furry Friend Pet Care provides affordable, superior care and attention to your four-legged furry family members as if they were their pets; better yet, they will treat them just as you do! Furry Friend Pet Care serves residents with pets in the Missouri City area who find it more convenient to have their pets stay at home while they are away or have a long work day. Customized services include pet sitting/vacation visits, dog walking, potty breaks, pet waste removal, and pet taxi/transportation.

Career Week Volunteer Opportunities

Career Day Speakers Needed! 
Wednesday, January 24

Want to participate in Career Week at DLE? We'd love to have you! Currently, we are looking for speakers to come into the school on Wednesday, January 24 to share a little about their career. Presentations should be around 20-30 minutes and remain age-appropriate.

Please click on a link below to visit your preferred grade level, and thanks again for helping make such an impact on our students!

1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade 

January DLE Spirit Night

Papa Johns Spirit Night
All Day on Thursday, January 18

Spirit Night with Papa Johns is coming up on January 18. You can order online for delivery or carry out from Papa Johns, located at 4340 Sienna Parkway. Use the promo code TXFUND, and Leonetti Elementary PTO will receive 20% of sales. 

DLE PTO Needs You

DLE PTO Needs You!
Wednesday, January 17
9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
At DLE in Extended Day Room

DLE is looking for volunteers for the 2024-2025 school year. Please join us on an informational meeting on Wednesday, January 17 at Sawmill Lake Club from 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. and learn how you can be more involved at the greatest place to be!

All Pro Dads-January Date

RSVP For All Pro Dad's Breakfast
This Friday, January 12
Begins at 7:15 a.m.
In the DLE Gym

Please join us for our next All Pro Dad's breakfast on Friday, January 12, at 7:15 a.m. in the DLE Gym. Our topic this month is "Dependability." If you have dependability, the people in your life know they can count on you to do what you say you will do. By being dependable, you show others respect and make it easy for them to trust you. 

Click here to RSVP by Wednesday, January 10. Breakfast is provided!

Sponsorship Highllight

Sponsor Spotlight

Leonetti Graphics is a proud sponsor of DLE! Leonetti Graphics is your one-stop destination for top-quality screen-printed t-shirts, expert embroidery services, eye-catching banners, durable yard signs, and specialty items. With its commitment to precision and creativity, Leonetti Graphics brings your designs to life with unparalleled craftsmanship and attention to detail.

October and November VIPS

VIPS of the Month  |  Alex Liston and Katie Vela

Our VIPS of the month for October and November are Alex Liston and Katie Vela.

Alex currently serves on our PTO as the Social Media Chair Alex’s favorite thing about Leonetti is how involved, caring, and welcoming our teachers, are. She appreciates all the staff and community for being so welcoming as a newcomer to the Leonetti family. Alex believes everyone truly cares about providing the best for our kids.

Katie currently serves on our PTO as the Paw Prints Chair. Katie says: she loves the Leonetti community, its devoted teachers, and dedicated PTO! Working outside of Sienna makes it challenging for me to volunteer at the school as often as I'd like. I appreciate that the PawPrints chair position within the awesome Publicity team allows me to stay connected with other parents and play an active role in our school community!

We want to thank both of you ladies for all the things you do behind the scenes to keep us connected to all the news at DLE.

January School Store -January 5

Friday, January 5

The School Store will be open during recess for all grade levels on Friday, January 5.

Take note: The School Store is cash only, and items range from $0.25 to $3.00. Sending money in a labeled Ziploc bag makes it easy for kids to bring home their new toys. It’s not a must, but it’s helpful for students and volunteers! 

School Store is run by volunteers, so sign up to be a part of the fun and help run the store. We are asking that parents commit to two back-to-back recess periods. Please remember: no children other than students allowed on campus for volunteering events. 

Click here to sign up!

Please meet in VIPS room or courtyard, and make sure you have completed your background check before coming up to campus. Contact Janice Cruz with any questions.



Leonetti Elementary was recently named one of the best elementary schools in the 2024 US News and World Report! We were ranked #175 out of 6,495 elementary schools in Texas, and #7 within FBISD. A huge shout out to our dedicated principal, Mrs. Schwinger, for building an extraordinary team of teachers and staff, and to all of our amazing families for making DLE the Best Place to Be! You can learn all about our measured stats at: https://www.usnews.com/.../donald-leonetti-elementary-213672


Thank You to Everyone Who Participated in Crunch-Tober!

DLE’s Crunch-Tober Cereal Drive was a HUGE success. We donated over 300 boxes of cereal and oatmeal to Shared Dreams. Thank you to all who participated, and an extra shout out to Hollis Young, LaRoyshia McLaughlin, and Joshua Jenkins for helping with collection and delivery.  

DLE Diversity Corner

October Diversity Awareness at DLE!

In October, we celebrate several Heritage and History Months: Polish-American Heritage Month, German-American Heritage Month, Filipino-American History Month, and Italian-America Heritage and Culture Month.

Polish American Heritage Month: Polish American Heritage Month is an annual event celebrated in October. Originally, Polish American Heritage Month was celebrated in August after being established in 1984. However, in 1986, the month was changed to October to aid school participation because October holds significance as the month when the first Polish settlers came to Jamestown, Virginia. 

German American Heritage Month: German Heritage Month occurs every October, and October 6 is German American Day. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed October 6 as German-American Day to celebrate and honor the 300th anniversary of German immigration to and culture in the United States. It also commemorates the founding of Germantown, Pennsylvania (which is now part of Philadelphia) in 1683. 

Filipino American History Month: The celebration of Filipino American History Month (FAHM) in October commemorates the first recorded presence of Filipinos in the continental United States on October 18, 1587. October 1992 was the first time FAHM was celebrated in the United States. In 2009, the US Congress recognized October as FAHM, and in 2015, President Obama celebrated the first FAHM at the White House. 

Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month: Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month occurs in October and was first celebrated in 1989 after the US Congress provided the designation for the month. Events are held during the month to celebrate and provide education on Italian-American history and culture. The month was also selected to coincide with Columbus Day. 

Our education team created a display showcasing historical figures and fun facts from each country celebrating this month. Take a look below!