Thank you to everyone who donated toiletries to Shared Dreams! And a very special thank you to those that donated their time to help with various tasks at Shared Dreams. They are so thankful for our generous Lion Hearts!
Volunteer at Shared Dreams
In conjunction with our spring Deeds for Donald Toiletry Drive, there are two dedicated volunteer day opportunities for Leonetti parents, grandparents, and neighbors to help at the Shared Dreams facility (adults only).
Thank you to all those who contributed to the Toiletry Drive.
Want to join the fun and volunteer April 25 and 26? Click here to sign up.
FOODvember Food Drive
Student Council is holding its FOODvember Food Drive for Deeds for Donald.
They are accepting donations of non-perishable food items until Thursday, Nov. 17. Donation boxes are set up throughout the school, or you can simply bring your items to your homeroom teache
Wow, Lions! You All Rocked Socktober!
Thanks to our Lion community’s generosity, we donated 3,982 pairs of socks to Shared Dreams! That’s a new record!
We more than doubled our donation numbers from our best year (2019 - 1,846 pairs of socks). Fourth grade deserves special recognition for bringing in more than 2,100 pairs through their grade-level contest. Their competition, organized by our awesome 4th grade teachers, helped drive a record number of socks in! And special thanks to our NEHS members for their assistance with the drive.
Every donation given made a huge impact on Shared Dreams and they are grateful for our generous Lion Hearts. Crazy Sock Day was the perfect ending to a successful drive!

Socktober is Here!
Socktober is a Deeds for Donald initiative where we collect NEW pairs of socks, in all sizes, for Shared Dreams.
Important Dates
DONATION WINDOW: September 26-October 6
CRAZY SOCK DAY: October 6th
What is Shared Dreams?
Shared Dreams is a FBISD program that provides short term assistance to registered FBISD students whose needs have been determined by their campus nurse and staff. It provides clothing, shoes, toiletries, school supplies, and food throughout the year.
A few facts:
Last year Shared Dreams helped 15,000 kids in Fort Bend County. Pretty awesome, right!?
FBISD has roughly 77,000 students and 50 percent are considered economically disadvantaged - 65 percent of those that utilize Shared Dreams are elementary aged.
They welcome any and all ADULT volunteers at the center! You might sort clothing or shoe bins, put together an interview outfit for a high schooler, or organize shelving. One thing is promised, you won’t be bored and you’ll walk away knowing you made a difference! Click here to sign up. A FBISD Background Check must be completed before volunteering.
We Are Known for Rocking the Sock Drop! Here is a look at the total pairs of socks donated throughout the years:
2019 – 1,846 pairs
2020 – 898 pairs
2021 – 1,592 pairs
How Do I Donate?
Drop off your sock donations directly at Leonetti! Donation boxes are set up in the grade-level flex spaces, the cafeteria, and the lobby.
Helpful Ideas
Share our sock drive information with your friends and neighbors
Host a mini sock drive within your circle of family, friends, neighbors, or community groups
Collect funds and purchase socks in bulk
Shared Dreams Toiletry Drive
Please join us as we collect the following NEW items for Shared Dreams:
Bars of Soap
Shampoo - full sized
Conditioner - full sized
Body Wash - full sized
Hair Brushes / Single Combs
Drop boxes will be located in each grade level hallway and the front lobby.
Did You Know?
Shared Dreams is a FBISD program that provides short-term assistance to registered FBISD students whose needs have been determined by their campus nurse and staff. They have helped 15,000 students already this school year! Currently, 48 percent of enrolled FBISD students are considered economically disadvantaged, so Shared Dreams is a crucial support program to those in our FBISD community.
February 'Sending Love' Campaign
DLE is putting on a “Sending Love” campaign for its school-wide Deeds for Donald.
Students will be making Valentines cards, and drawing pictures for our “extended” Leonetti family that reside in assisted living, memory care, and nursing home facilities. If you have family members that live in a care facility, send your child’s homeroom teachers the family member’s name and address.
Way to Rock Socktober, Lions!
We rocked the sock drop with 1,592 pairs of socks collected!
Thank you to everyone that donated. With the weather getting cooler, socks are a huge need at Shared Dreams this time of year and our generous donation will help make sure no FBISD kids go without socks.
Let's Rock the Sock Drop!
September 27 - October 6
Socktober is a Deeds for Donald initiative where we collect NEW pairs of socks, in all sizes, for Shared Dreams.
How Do I Donate?
Drop off your NEW sock donations directly at Leonetti. There will be donation boxes in each grade level hallway, the cafeteria, and the front lobby/entrance so please send them in with your child.
We Are Known for Rocking the Sock Drop!
In 2019 we donated 1,846 pairs of socks
In 2020 we donated 898 pairs of socks
A Call to Action...with a Challenge!
2020 and 2021 have proven to be quite challenging. We've all been impacted in some way and unfortunately the needs at Shared Dreams have increased. We challenge each of you to double your Socktober donation this year. Any and every effort we make impacts Shared Dreams directly in a major way!
Help increase our donations by sharing our sock drive information with friends and neighbors.
Host a mini sock drive within your circle of family, friends, neighbors, or community groups.
Socktober begins Sept. 27
DLE's annual Sock Drive - a Deeds for Donald initiative - benefiting Shared Dreams begins next week. Start collecting new pairs of socks, in all sizes, that can be brought to school starting September 27.
A few facts about Shared Dreams:
Last year Shared Dreams provided assistance for 30,627 kids in Fort Bend. Pretty awesome, right!?
FBISD currently has a 44% poverty rate which equates to roughly 34,300 students who live at or below poverty level
The biggest need for elementary school kids is clothing, 60% to be exact
They welcome any and all adult volunteers at the center! You might sort clothing or shoe bins, put together an interview outfit for a high schooler, or organize shelving. One thing is promised, you won’t be bored and you’ll walk away knowing you made a difference!
The SignUp Genius link for volunteer slots at Shared Dream will be released soon. A friendly reminder that your FBISD background check must be completed before volunteering there.